WordPress for Libraries: , edited by Haefele, Chad

Cover of "wordpress for libraries"

Cover of "wordpress for libraries"My review of “WordPress for Libraries” is available here:

(2016). WordPress for Libraries. Journal of Access Services: Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 213-214. doi: 10.1080/15367967.2016.1208021

Source: WordPress for Libraries: , edited by Haefele, Chad. New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015.: Journal of Access Services: Vol 13, No 3

Digital Archaeology Project to Use Big Data

“This is not just a database,” said Ram, professor of management information systems and director of the INSITE: Center for Business Intelligence and Analytics in the UA’s Eller College of Management. “We’re building a knowledge discovery system that integrates multiple archaeological databases and various artifacts and objects, and we’re trying to figure out relationships that aren’t already known. People can query the website and it’ll show them various data and how they’re related to each other, and they’ll be able to run large-scale network analysis and statistical analysis that will support various stakeholders, including researchers and students, as well as the public.”

Digital Archaeology Project to Use Big Data